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Travel with peace of mind - choose an ASATA member

The most important thing you need when you travel? Peace of mind. You may have heard of ASATA or perhaps not but what's important is that you approach travel with the same caution you would use when buying any large product or service – that’s where ASATA comes in. ASATA is the Association of Southern African Travel Agents and any active member of ASATA has to commit to professional service, ethical conduct and trustworthy behavior. All Sure Travel agencies are ASATA-accredited.

Why travel with an ASATA-accredited travel consultant?

Choose your travel management company or travel consultant much the same way you would your doctor or lawyer: your travel consultant should be a professional who has the qualifications, know-how and skills to assist you with all your travel needs. 

Your travel management company or travel consultant should be an accredited ASATA member. Entrusting your travel with an ASATA member, you are assured that you are working with a professional travel management company or travel consultant that is not only bound by a strict code of conduct, but also believes in ethical and professional provision of travel services.

Here are more reasons why it’s important to use an ASATA approved travel agency.

What is the ASATA Charter?

ASATA members have all signed the ASATA Charter. It is a philosophical commitment and promise to continue delivering fair and transparent business practices, the highest ethical standards to further the industry’s professionalism, providing high-quality service, and confronting inappropriate behaviour and practices when dealing with customers and partners, among other commitments. ASATA is the benchmark of professionalism in the region’s travel industry.

What you can expect when you book with an ASATA member:

Professional Service
A credible, specialist advisor who will give you value-for-money, offering you end-to-end solutions that will exceed expectations and treat you as an individual.

Ethical Conduct
A professional travel company that complies with South African laws and the ASATA Code of Conduct and Constitution, and provides the products and services for which you asked. You can expect to pay a fair and equitable amount for what you are getting.

Trustworthy Behaviour
A commitment to transparency in all dealings as it relates to product and price. A commitment to striving for a travel experience that is painless and pleasant, and the full delivery on what was promised.

Market Leadership
A knowledgeable consultant prepared to listen to your needs, give the best advice, consider your viewpoint and act on them, as well as empathise with your current context and tailor the experience to meet your needs through consistently good service. 

Is the travel consultant you’ve entrusted your travel with a member of ASATA?
If not, why not?

Travel with peace of mind… Travel with an ASATA member, such as Sure Travel. Find out more about ASATA here.

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