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All fun no fuss: 12 essentials for happy multigenerational travel

The thought of a first trip with the kids AND your parents could be enough to make you want to cancel your plans altogether — but we reckon we’ve got some secrets to a smooth multigenerational family getaway that mean everyone has fun. Here are 12 essentials for a happy trip with your nearest and dearest.

1. Pack a bag of tricks for long, boring plane rides

Half the battle of a multigenerational trip is keeping kids entertained as you get to and from your destination. Pack a (noiseless) bag of toys, colouring pages and games (without tiny pieces that might get lost if the plane gets bumpy) to keep your kids (and fellow passengers) happy. 

Movies and shows on a tablet or phone can also prove useful, however, limit screen time when crossing time zones if you think it might affect your child’s ability to sleep and overcome jet lag. 

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2. Do a practice run at home

Start taking little excursions with your kids and parents together before the big holiday. First, perhaps just a few hours together at a market or beach, then a day trip to a tourist attraction in town, and later, a weekend away. You can even “play pretend” and practice how to go through airport security. 

By making “normal” or local activities into teachable moments, you can acclimatise your kids for travel and see how everyone interacts with each other. You’ll learn to prevent frustrating triggers before they happen, your family’s threshold for physical endurance, and even what items you need or don’t need to pack.

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3. Have realistic expectations

There are many things to consider before taking a multigenerational trip: what are your individual interests, budgets, comfort needs, and travel styles? Are there things you’re willing to negotiate and others you’re not? 

Also remember: don’t assume your parents will be keen to babysit your child to allow for romantic moments for you and your partner. This is their holiday too, so plan accordingly (or at least talk about it beforehand to avoid hurt feelings or bitterness after the trip). 

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4. Book early if you plan to travel during festive season or school holidays

Festive season and school holidays are among the most popular for family travel and fill up fast. Thankfully, making plans early means you’ll be able to get the best flight fares or package deals. Ask our agents for more information.

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5. Know who’s paying (and for what)

Unless there’s one family member taking care of all trip expenses, establishing a budget will help you know where to go and what to do. 

Decide on the method of splitting expenses that will work best for everyone (including which costs are shared and which aren’t)… whether that’s paying for as much as you can individually in advance, or putting expenses on a single card and then seeing who owes what afterwards. 

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6. Choose epic — yet family-friendly — destinations 

The scope of your family trip depends on your individual preferences and travel style, but might we suggest if you want a hassle-free trip, to consider a beach resort? Many are all-inclusive (meaning you can indulge the old and young to their hearts’ content without worrying about the bill afterwards), and have been specially designed with families in mind.

 Ask your nearest agent for details, or call +27 (0)861 47 48 49. 

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7. Plan multi-generational activities

The key to a successful trip will be buy-in from everyone going. Ask each member (who’s old enough to have a strong opinion) to contribute their own ideas for activities, restaurants and points of interest. 

By incorporating as many of these into your time away as possible (without feeling run off your feet), you’ll ensure there’s something to look forward to each day for everyone. 

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8. Schedule alone time

You’ll have plenty of time to bond on a family trip, so don’t feel pressured to spend every moment of every day together. Plan for time apart, when young (and old) can recharge with a much-needed nap, or just have a little downtime. 

Teens, meanwhile, might want some time to catch up with friends via SMS or social media; it’s best to have a designated time they know they can, instead of being glued to their phones while the group is out at an excursion or dinner.

Another option is to let everyone know what you’re doing and what time you plan to leave. That way, they can join if they’d like and if not, you’ll see each other later in the day.

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9. Designate one (max two) trip photographer(s)

While taking photos is a great way to make the memories from your family trip last a lifetime, it can get exhausting to have everyone in your group snap their own shots at each stop. 

Instead, consider entrusting one skilled and reliable person in your party to be the trip photographer, and share the files with each other afterwards. While you might not end up with as many pictures or angles afterwards, you’ll save a ton of time and avoid the frustration of having to pose for yet another selfie! 

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10. Book accommodation that suits YOUR needs

Staying all together in one house or room may sound like a heavenly bonding experience for some — and hellish for others. If you’re the type that feels staying together is too close for comfort, choose a resort with apartment-style amenities. 

Many resorts have stylish rooms suitable for those with reduced mobility and family suites (with separate rooms for kids). Ask your Sure Travel agent for details. 

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11. Eat early and often

Let’s face it, you might not have the luxury of fine dining when you’re travelling with kids — they need to eat often, and keep entertained throughout the meal. 

Avoid littles’ meltdowns (and adult “hanger”) by anticipating your group’s need to eat before you feel the pangs. Keep a few snacks handy for emergencies and head to family-friendly restaurants before the lunch/dinner rush.

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12. Let Sure Travel do the planning for you

Our motto is “we take the hassle, you take the trip”! That’s because we know when you’re busy juggling work, home, kids, school and all the other extra curriculars, the last thing you need is more planning!  

Sure Travel’s knowledgeable travel experts can book a trip in less than 30 minutes (provided you have your preferred dates, budget, traveller details and destination at the ready). Sound easy? That’s because it is! 

We get the best rates from our trusted travel partners, and can advise on visas, travel insurance and safety tips for the places you’re going. We’re also there to help in emergencies (like when a flight gets unexpectedly cancelled due to a storm).

Contact the agency nearest you to enquire or book, or call +27 (0)861 47 48 49.

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